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Hi there! I'm Haluk. Are you interested/studying in fusion and want to learn more about it to 
decide whether to pursue a career in this field? Do you want to meet people in fusion? If so, 
PlasmaSurf is the program you are looking for! I attended PlasmaSurf 2024 summer school, 
and it was an amazing experience filled with lectures, acdvides, and many incredible people, 
all passionate about fusion. 

I met many people with backgrounds in physics and a few from engineering. They all have 
different desires and thoughts they want to pursue in their careers and asking them about 
their reasons and listening to their stories really helped me clarify what I want personally and 
whether I am on the right path as a to be fusion engineer. 

To be honest, I attended this summer school to meet people who are involved or want to 
work in fusion, to get their thoughts on the field, and to learn about what they are doing 
now so I can decide what I might do in the future. PlasmaSurf provided that perfectly. It had 
a good balance between lectures and activities to connect with people. In the lectures, you 
get introductions to different fusion topics, and after the lectures, there is an activity each 

The activities are great for a first-time experience. I had never done them before, so they 
were really exciting: kayaking, rock climbing, surfing, mountain boarding, and a small walk in 
the city on the last day. We also got to see the ISTTOK tokamak at IPFN on the last day. 
It was truly a unique experience! 

I would like to thank IPFN and FuseNet for this great program and financial support