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I was among the students who had the opportunity to 
participate in the Carolus Magnus Summer School 
(CMSS) 2024 which took place at the Royal Military 
Academy, Belgium, jointly hosted by DIFFER – Dutch 
Institute for Fundamental Energy Research and 
Forschungszentrum Jülich and generously sponsored 
by Ressainance Fusion from the 24th of June to the 5th
of July, 2024. My attendance at CMSS 2024 was also 
facilitated through the travel and subsistence support 
from FuseNet. 

It was an intense and impactful event with 65 lectures 
and a deep dive into plasma and fusion energy. An 
exciting and unforgettable part was visit to the co-
hosts' institutes where I achieved practical learning. 

Since this was my first time having a glimpse into 
plasma and fusion energy, I was curious but felt 
satisfied at the end of this event because a wide scope 
of this field was covered. 

I express my deep gratitude to the organizers for 
making this event possible and to fellow participants 
whose ideas were shared for making the experience 