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Hello, My name is Vojtěch Juráš and I am currently a masters's student at the Faculty of nuclear 
sciences and physical engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague. In this article I 
will briefly describe my experience at the PlasmaSurf summer school which took place in Lisbon 
between 14th and 20th of July. 

PlasmaSurf was an event organised by Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (IPFN) of Instituto 
Superior Técnico - Technical university of Lisbon. Greatest portion of the programme were 
educational lectures on the topic of plasma. The very first one - introduction to plasma physics - 
was mostly revision for me, since I study plasma physics at my home university. But the other 
lectures were very interesting to me, they explained computational physics and data analysis in 
Python, inertial and magnetic confinement approaches to nuclear fusion, plasmas in space and 
much more. There was also a practical lecture that included an experimental diagnostics of 
plasma using Langmuir probe and subsequent data processing. Eventually, on the last day of 
out stay, we had a tour to the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon and could see their tokamak 
"ISTTOK". So altogether there was so much to learn for me. 

However, PlasmaSurf wasn't solely about education, there were some great outdoor activities 
ass well. As the name suggests, we had a course of surfing and also kayaking and climbing to 
name a few. In the evenings we could explore the beautiful old city of Lisbon and it's rich history 
of sea discoveries. 

Overally the summer school was a fantastic opportunity to learn new things in the plasma and 
fusion fields, but also meet new people within my own scope of research and interests. I could 
only recommend this event to every masters student interested in plasma physics - you will sure 
enjoy this school and meet awesome new people same as I did.