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Magnetic Confinement Fusion
Magnetic Confinement Fusion
Magnetic Confinement Fusion
Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Francis F. Chen
This complete introduction to plasma physics and controlled fusion by one of the pioneering scientists in this expanding field offers both a simple and intuitive discussion of the basic concepts of this subject and an insight into the challenging problems of current research. The work covers single-particle motions, fluid equations for plasmas, wave motions, diffusion and resistivity, Landau damping, plasma instabilities and nonlinear problems. For students, this text book offers a good introduction to the field; for teachers, a large collection of problems; and for researchers, a concise review of the fundamentals. This revised edition contains new material on kinetic effects, including Bernstein waves and the plasma dispersion function, and on nonlinear wave equations and solitons. For the third edition, updates was made throughout each existing chapter, and two new chapters were added; Ch 9 on “Special Plasmas” and Ch 10 on Plasma Applications (including Atmospheric Plasmas). Click here to go to Springer's webpage about this book.
Advanced Tokamak Stability Theory
Linjin Zheng
This book describes the advanced stability theories for magnetically confined fusion plasmas, especially in tokamaks. As the fusion plasma sciences advance, the gap between the textbooks and cutting-edge researches gradually develops. This book fills in this gap. It focuses on the advanced topics such as the spectrum of magnetohydrodynamics in tokamaks, the interchange modes, ballooning modes, and toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes, etc. in the toroidal geometry. The theories are laid out in parallel with magnetohydrodynamic (both ideal and resistive) and gyrokinetic formalisms. It details the derivations of the advanced stability theories in this field, such as the ballooning mode representation, the resistive magnetohydrodynamics singular layer theory by A. Glasser, et al. and the gyrokinetic theory. Special efforts are made to explain how the physics problems are formulated mathematically and how to solve them analytically or semi-analytically. Besides the advanced theories, the book also discusses the intuitive physics pictures for various experimentally observed phenomena, such as the confinement modes (L-, I-, and H-modes), the transport barrier, nonlocal transport, edge localized modes, blob transport, edge harmonic oscillations, etc.
Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion
Jean Louis Bobin
The book is a presentation of the basic principles and main achievements in the field of nuclear fusion. It encompasses both magnetic and inertial confinements plus a few exotic mechanisms for nuclear fusion. The state-of-the-art regarding thermonuclear reactions, hot plasmas, tokamaks, laser-driven compression and future reactors is given. Readership: Students and general public with a background in physical sciences.
ITER Physics
C. Wendell Horton Jr., Sadruddin Benkadda
The promise of a vast and clean source of thermal power drove physics research for over fifty years and has finally come to collimation with the international consortium led by the European Union and Japan, with an agreement from seven countries to build a definitive test of fusion power in ITER. It happened because scientists since the Manhattan project have envisioned controlled nuclear fusion in obtaining energy with no carbon dioxide emissions and no toxic nuclear waste products. This large toroidal magnetic confinement ITER machine is described from confinement process to advanced physics of plasma-wall interactions, where pulses erupt from core plasma blistering the machine walls. Emissions from the walls reduce the core temperature which must remain ten times hotter than the 15 million degree core solar temperature to maintain ITER fusion power. The huge temperature gradient from core to wall that drives intense plasma turbulence is described in detail. Also explained are the methods designed to limit the growth of small magnetic islands, the growth of edge localized plasma plumes and the solid state physics limits of the stainless steel walls of the confinement vessel from the burning plasma. Designs of the wall coatings and the special "exhaust pipe" for spent hot plasma are provided in two chapters. And the issues associated with high-energy neutrons — about 10 times higher than in fission reactions — and how they are managed in ITER, are detailed.Readership: For nuclear fusion and ITER specialists.
Frontiers in Fusion Research II: Introduction to Modern Tokamak Physics
Mitsuru Kikuchi, Masafumi Azumi
This book reviews recent progress in our understanding of tokamak physics related to steady state operation, and addresses the scientific feasibility of a steady state tokamak fusion power system. It covers the physical principles behind continuous tokamak operation and details the challenges remaining and new lines of research towards the realization of such a system. Following a short introduction to tokamak physics and the fundamentals of steady state operation, later chapters cover parallel and perpendicular transport in tokamaks, MHD instabilities in advanced tokamak regimes, control issues, and SOL and divertor plasmas. A final chapter reviews key enabling technologies for steady state reactors, including negative ion source and NBI systems, Gyrotron and ECRF systems, superconductor and magnet systems, and structural materials for reactors.The tokamak has demonstrated an excellent plasma confinement capability with its symmetry, but has an intrinsic drawback with its pulsed operation with inductive operation. Efforts have been made over the last 20 years to realize steady state operation, most promisingly utilizing bootstrap current.Frontiers in Fusion Research II: Introduction to Modern Tokamak Physics will be of interest to graduate students and researchers involved in all aspects of tokamak science and technology.
Introduction to Plasmas and Plasma Dynamics: With Reviews of Applications in Space Propulsion, Magnetic Fusion and Space Physics
Thomas M. York, Haibin Tang
Introduction to Plasmas and Plasma Dynamics provides an accessible introduction to the understanding of high temperature, ionized gases necessary to conduct research and develop applications related to plasmas. While standard presentations of introductory material emphasize physics and the theoretical basis of the topics, this text acquaints the reader with the context of the basic information and presents the fundamental knowledge required for advanced work or study.The book relates theory to relevant devices and mechanisms, presenting a clear outline of analysis and mathematical detail; it highlights the significance of the concepts with reviews of recent applications and trends in plasma engineering, including topics of plasma formation and magnetic fusion, plasma thrusters and space propulsion.Presents the essential principles of plasma dynamics needed for effective research and development work in plasma applicationsEmphasizes physical understanding and supporting theoretical foundation with reference to their utilization in devices, mechanisms and phenomenaCovers a range of applications, including energy conversion, space propulsion, magnetic fusion, and space physics.
Fundamental Fluid Mechanics and Magnetohydrodynamics
Roger J. Hosking, Robert L. Dewar
This book is primarily intended to enable postgraduate research students to enhance their understanding and expertise in Fluid Mechanics and Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), subjects no longer treated in isolation. The exercises throughout the book often serve to provide additional and quite significant knowledge or to develop selected mathematical skills, and may also fill in certain details or enhance readers’ understanding of essential concepts. A previous background or some preliminary reading in either of the two core subjects would be advantageous, and prior knowledge of multivariate calculus and differential equations is expected.
Fusion: An Introduction to the Physics and Technology of Magnetic Confinement Fusion
Weston M. Stacey
This second edition of a popular textbook is thoroughly revised with around 25% new and updated content. It provides an introduction to both plasma physics and fusion technology at a level that can be understood by advanced undergraduates and graduate students in the physical sciences and related engineering disciplines.As such, the contents cover various plasma confinement concepts, the support technologies needed to confine the plasma, and the designs of ITER as well as future fusion reactors. With end of chapter problems for use in courses.
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