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Information about the funding scheme
This support scheme is launched to support and facilitate Master students to take part in educational activities external to their own organization. It allows Master students to participate in Master classes, summer schools, and other short-term events with a dominant educational character. All conferences are excluded from support except when the Master student has his/her own contribution at the event (see terms and conditions for details).
Students registered at universities that are a FuseNet member and/or are seeking to attend educational activities at hosts that are a FuseNet member, and both the home university and the educational event are located in one of the countries that are part of the EUROfusion member states, can apply here for financial support to take part in a fusion-related educational training activity.
The financial support consists of a fixed amount of travel support (depending on the travel distance) and subsistence support (depending on the duration). The (training) activity has to take place at a university group or research institute in one of the EUROfusion members states or at a FuseNet member institute. The application has to be submitted at least 2 weeks before the actual start of the educational event. The educational event has to start no later than 6 months after application.