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Join us

This page explains how to have your organisation become a member of FuseNet. When reading this, you are probably already familiar with The FuseNet Association and aware of some of the things that we do, such as internship matchmaking, our funding schemes and the network of fusion professionals that we are. If not, it would be commendable to first navigate to the about page.


Depending on whether it is a university, a research institute or a company there are many different reasons for wanting to join us. This page lists some of the most important reasons for wanting to join FuseNet, either as a university or as a research institute or company. It also contains all practical information regarding our fees and the application procedure.


Why would you join us... a university

Joining our network is of great practical importance for your students, allowing them to

  • apply for mobility funding, for internships and educational events;
  • get unlimited access to all our educational materials.


It is also of great relevance to your organisation, amongst others allowing it to

  • join our ever-growing network of fusion institutes across Europe;
  • access to our funding schemes aimed specifically at organisations (see the funding tab);
  • take a seat in the General Assembly and co-decide on the future of European fusion education. a research institute or company

The FuseNet Association has unparalleled access to students in the fusion field. During their studies these students will be looking for experiences outside of their textbooks like internships and workshops. After their studies, these students will be looking for PhD positions or industry jobs.

Joining our association, allows your company or research institute to

  • become more attractive to students for internships since they can apply for FuseNet funding for a project at your organization;
  • enjoy greater visibility towards your prospective employees;
  • take a seat in the General Assembly;
  • join our ever-growing network of fusion institutes across Europe;
  • stay up-to-date with and exchange fusion education and training resources.


Fees and application

While the bulk of the funding activities of FuseNet are covered by grants, a small membership fee ensures continuity of the core operations of the association. This yearly membership fee amounts to:

  • 825 euro for small institutes (<20 employees, and the fee for all universities)
  • 1650 euro for medium-sized institutes (20-100 employees)
  • 3300 euro for large institutes (>100 employees).

Application can be done simply by downloading the membership application form at the bottom of this page and sending it to


More information

Might you have questions or want to know more, please contact our Executive Office for the possibilities.

