Institute of Plasma Physics of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (IPP Prague) is the leading Czech research institute in the field of plasma physics and its applications. Founded in 1959, IPP Prague today employs more than 150 people, including about 50 scientists.
Besides other missions, IPP Prague carries out research into thermonuclear fusion and plays the managing role in the Association EURATOM-IPP.CR which coordinates fusion R&D in our country. In order to foster this task IPP Prague recently procured tokamak COMPASS which nowadays represents the main experimental facility of the institute. Every academic year about 30 MSc and PhD students contribute to the research work at tokamak COMPASS. Tokamak COMPASS also regularly hosts SUMTRAIC, the summer training course on experimental plasma physics.
Fusion research is pursued mainly in the Tokamak Department of IPP Prague, although some fusion related topics are also studied in the Laser Plasma department (in particular Inertial fusion) on the PALS facility and in the Materials Engineering department (materials for plasma facing components).
In the tokamak department major research efforts are dedicated to ITER-relevant studies on the tokamak COMPASS. Flexibility of tokamak COMPASS and similarity of its plasma configuration with major modern experiments including ITER present major assets of this installation.
The research is focused primarily to plasma edge studies. To this end, a broad international collaboration was established including setup of relevant high resolution diagnostics. The tokamak department also contributes importantly to research into plasma-wave interactions and its scientists participate in scientific work of several European fusion centers.