The University of Liverpool is a public university based in the city of Liverpool, England. Founded in 1881 as auniversity college, it is also one of the six original "red brick" civic universities. It comprises three faculties organised into 35 departments and schools.
The Stephenson Institute for renewable energy research is developing clean and sustainable energy technologies including hydrogen generation and storage, solar harvesting, wind and marine energy and fusion technology.The Institute allows students and postgraduates to work on energy-related projects and technologies providing them with relevant skills and knowledge to meet the UK and global demand for graduates in this emerging job market.The team is also recruiting 10 world-class scientists to join existing research groups in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Engineering. The recruitment underlines the University’s priorities for future research and represents a major investment by the institution.The institute will also develop expert networks, including policy-makers and management, to highlight global energy and sustainability issues.