The University of Twente is a young, entrepreneurial university. It sets standards in the field of new technology and seeks to stimulate change, renewal and progress in society. Our strength lies in our capacity to combine.
We work with the technologies of the future - information technology, biotechnology and nanotechnology - in which behavioural and social science research play a vital role. After all, the most interesting and relevant innovation takes place at the interface between technology and its implications for mankind and society.
We are active in areas such as health, water, green energy, security and education.
The research chair Energy, Materials and Systems (EMS) is part of the Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW). The research of EMS is application oriented and greatly benefits from its internationally recognized expertise and unique infrastructure on applied superconductivity and cryogenics.
The main focus is on sustainable energy, with the ambition of developing technologies, materials and systems that play a key role in our future energy chains. We investigate the application of superconductivity in the power grid (e.g. superconducting cables for transport of electric power), as well as the application of cryogenic technologies and materials for liquid energy carriers such as liquid natural gas and hydrogen.
The group has an excellent track record in international pioneering projects on sustainable energy (such as ITER on nuclear fusion), but also in non-energy related, but very challenging, projects at CERN and ESA