Tool Name: Plasma Simulator METIS
Author: J.F. Artaud, Institute for Magnetic Fusion Research, France
Description: METIS is a tokamak plasma simulation tool based on the more sophisticated CRONOS Integrated Modelling suite. Featuring a current diffusion solver, a 2D equilibrium solver, METIS resides in a hybrid 0D/1D approach for solving the heat transport dynamics, and uses simplified actuator models. This approach allows METIS to calculate a large number of physical quantities fairly fast, which is useful for fast analysis of a shot, scenario development and other applications. The tool has direct input possibilities for shot parameters and can also be useful in estimating effects of existing or new tokamaks, or in preparation of full CRONOS transport simulations.
The tool is designed to be used by experts and researchers, but can also be useful for teaching purposes, since it offers a simplified but accurate approach to plasma transport dynamics.
- Linux or Windows based computer
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