The Swiss Plasma Center (SPC) of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) has an open Post-Doctoral position in its theory and numerical simulation group led by Prof. Paolo Ricci.
The project is on gyrokinetic simulations of various Alfvén modes excited by external perturbations and/or by a fast ion population, and their interaction with turbulence. The main numerical tool is the global code ORB5, which is a massively parallel, GPU-enabled code running on top HPC platforms. Applications to tokamak experiments such as TCV are also part of the project.
The work will be executed in the frame of a EUROfusion TSVV task, as well as a Swiss National Science Foundation project.
The position is immediately available. Renewable contract up to 4 years.
The application procedure is explained here:
For more details about the project or any other inquiry, please contact Prof. Paolo Ricci ( or Prof. Laurent Villard (