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Open call for PhD positions at the University of Tuscia

University of Tuscia

Open call for PhD positions at the University of Tuscia

The University of Tuscia in Viterbo, Italy, has opened applications for four PhD positions up until 31 August, 2020. Of those four positions there are two in Plasma Physics and two Fusion Technology. The subjects are as follows:

  1. Studies to evaluate the role of neutrals in highly dissipative regimes in "tokamak" machines for fusion using spectroscopy methods
  2. Study of the distribution of the thermal flow incident on the divertor in tokamak-type plasmas through the use of infrared cameras
  3. Thermo-structural analysis for the DTT fusion machine
  4. Study, design and testing of vacuum systems for tokamak devices for nuclear fusion

Students will spend 18 months in Viterbo and Frascati (ENEA) in Italy, and 18 months abroad (mainly CEA and IPP). The call is open for any European student that meets the requirements.


Details on the call (from requirements to application) can be found at the university's website, or in the pdf; Info on the department's PhD program.

For contact, please refer to Dr. Danilo Monarca ( and Dr. Giuseppe Calabrò (