Call for the development of an educational video
The FuseNet Association launches a call for the development of a new educational video, suitable for classrooms in the upper secondary level.
As the European fusion education network, FuseNet aims to coordinate and stimulate the best possible education for the field of nuclear fusion. The objective is to make quality education material widely accessible and to support training activities.
In the years to come, a skilled workforce will be needed to tackle the challenges in research and development. Across Europe, various study programmes exist and to stimulate the influx of students into those programmes, FuseNet supports the development of material appropriate for younger educational levels, as well as interactions between experts in the field and teachers.
Being such a complex design exercise, a fusion reactor combines numerous branches of physics and engineering, making it a rich source for the introduction of concepts in class.
Now, movie producers are encouraged to submit proposals for a new production.
For demonstration purposes at a teacher event in June, a first teaser should be delivered in an early stage of the project.
More information and details on how to apply can be found here.