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8-bit FuseNet PhD Event

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8-bit FuseNet PhD Event

In the past week, one of FuseNet's major events took place. With over ninety enthusiastic participants, the 8-bit PhD Event was a great success!

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the event was held in, similar to last year. The platform provides a great alternative to real-life interactions, by allowing the participants to walk around a digital room, and by making video and audio connections only with people near you.

The novel SpeePhDating initiative made it even easier to meet each other. In these sessions, a video-audio connection was only created with one other participant in a rotating fashion, thereby giving the event a more personal feel.

On the first day, 22 November, the programme started off with an interesting keynote talk by Elena Righi-Steele and Christopher Ibbott, of Euratom Research. Next, during the Pecha Kucha contest, many participants presented their own research to their peers. Cyd Cowley emerged as the winner of the contest, congratulations, a nice price is coming your way! Later during the day, interesting side sessions followed about various fusion topics. The day was concluded with an informal and fun event, the Fusion Pubquiz! Here, the participants teamed up to test their knowledge about fusion and other subjects.

On the second day, 23 November, Juan Knaster of F4E opened the day with an informative keynote talk. In the remainder of the morning, the participants had another chance to meet each other and discuss their research during the poster session. After a vote, Sara Dubbioso emerged as the winner of the poster contest, congratulations, you will also receive a nice price! The day was continued with additional fusion side sessions.

Of course, sitting behind a desk for the whole day can be quite tiresome. Hence, to keep our spirits high and our bodies healthy, everyone could join the fit break on both days! For half an hour, a live fitness instructor guided us to loosen the muscles and get moving! It was a fun and much-welcomed addition to the programme.

All in all, the eighth edition of the FuseNet PhD Event was a great success. Thank you all for participating, we hope to see you again next year!

For more information about this event, please visit its Indico page: