FuseNet and F4E announce: Internship Campaign
FuseNet and Fusion For Energy launch a campaign for companies active in the fusion field and fusion students looking for internship positions. FuseNet has funding support for Master students to go on an internship abroad.
About the campaign
In collaboration with Fusion For Energy (F4E), FuseNet is launching the "internship campaign" to connect fusion students with fusion-related firms. The objective is to utilize both FuseNet's and F4E's industry and education connections to collect internship opportunities for fusion students, to be displayed on FuseNet's matchmaking browser. These positions will then be visible to talented and driven fusion students all over Europe (especially those from FuseNet's 45 member universities).
Applicant's profile and skills
Applicants to these internships would be students, mainly pursuing their Master's degree, but some Bachelor or PhD students as well. They would be studying fusion or a fusion-related field, such as mechanical engineering, physics, or electrical engineering. Previous experience and knowledge would vary, but applicants can be expected to develop and maintain a time-plan, think scientifically and critically, and work as an effective member of a team.
Contact for recruiters
Do you or your company have fusion-relevant internship opportunities to share? Feel free to contact us via email, or with our submission form (requires a FuseNet account). Also (junior) job positions are welcome.