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FuseNet Master Thesis Prize Winners 2021!

winners master thesis prize 2021

FuseNet Master Thesis Prize Winners 2021!

The winners of the FuseNet Master Thesis Prize 2021 are known! According to the jury existing out of the academic board, there are the folllowing 5 outstanding winners:

  • Lidija Radovanovic - Ballooning Stability Analysis of the ASDEX-Upgrade small-ELM regime - TU Wien, Fusion@ÖAW
  • Verena Mitterauer - Non-linear simulations of the penetration of error fields into tokamak plasmas - TU Munich, Max Planck IPP
  • Jan Čečrdle - Simulation of behavior of liquid metal divertor heat shield on tokamak COMPASS Upgrade - CTU Prague, Czech Academy of Science IPP
  • Thilo Romba - Validation of the W7-X CXRS for impurity density profiles - TU Eindhoven, Max Planck IPP
  • Thimo Thun - Reinforcement Learning for Wendelstein 7-X Divertor heat load control - RWTH Aachen, Max Planck IPP


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