No consequences of Brexit for UK EUROfusion students in 2021
Dear students, supervisors and other stakeholders,
This is to inform you on the implications of Brexit to FuseNet funding support. Generally, Brexit has implications on European regulations for the programmes and actions that start now, such as Horizon Europe. It is currently not yet known what the precise rules for future student funding will be.
However, for 2021, we have good news. The EUROfusion contract for FuseNet of Horizon 2020 is extended until the end of this year. That means, regarding this year's student funding for internships and educational events for Master’s students, Brexit has not been made effective.
It is unclear—as of yet—what will happen to applications that outlast 2021, i.e. have part of their internship project in 2022. In Horizon Europe—the successor of Horizon 2020—the UK is very likely to remain a partner in the consortium. FuseNet is a pan-European network with both EU and non-EU members, as can be observed by the participation of two Russian members. Hence, it is likely that the situation will remain the same for the UK. FuseNet will update its information when more is known.
Should you have any questions, please do reach out to us via the website contact form.
Yours sincerely,
Jens Peter Frankemölle
Executive Officer a.i.