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This was the PhD Event 2022

PhD Event 2022 group photo

This was the PhD Event 2022

On 4-6 July, the FuseNet PhD Event 2022 took place in Padova, Italy. 131 participants from 23 countries and 44 different institutes and universities came together for three days of learning about fusion and interacting with peers. The event was hosted by the University of Padova and Consorzio RFX. 

On the first day of the event, the participants listened to keynote talks by Elena Righi (Head of Unit Euratom, European Commission), Piero Martin (professor at University of Padova), and Elena de la Luna (researcher at LNF CIEMAT) in the Aula Magna of the University of Padova. Then followed a tour of Palazzo Bo, and the group moved to the Orto Botanico. There, the first Pecha-Kucha and poster sessions took place. The day ended with a tour of the Orto Botanico's greenhouses and a nice dinner.
The second day of the event commenced with another series of keynote talks, now by Simone Peruzzo (Head of Technology and Engineering at Consorzio RFX), Gianluigi Serianni (researcher at Neutral Beam Test Facility), and Chiara Bustreo (project leader of the EUROfusion Socio Economic Studies). Afterwards, it was time for the second session of Pecha-Kuchas and posters. In the afternoon, the participants got a tour of Consorzio RFX, there seeing the Neutral Beam Test Facility and RFX-mod. To close the day, the participants enjoyed another nice dinner and social time.
The final day of the event was packed full with Pecha-Kucha sessions and a final poster session at Orto Botanico. These sessions were the ideal opportunity for the participants to learn about the research of their fellow PhD students, and to interact with each other. 

As this was the first PhD Event that took place on-location in three years, it was terrific to see so many participants in-person in sunny Padova. A big thank you to all the participants, the guest speakers, the organising committee, and to the University of Padova and Consorzio RFX for hosting this event!

For more information about this event, please visit its Indico page: