Next FuseNet PhD Event: 3 to 6 March 2020 - Padova
The venue for the next PhD Event has been found: Padova. From 3 to 6 March, the European doctoral students will gather in the old city, its gardens and the experimental facilities. We are honoured that the University of Padova and Consorzio RFX will host the event.
Continuing on a successful previous edition at ITER, this time good elements will be kept and improved. Experiment visiting, Pecha Kucha, ample time for poster sessions and a celebration are ingredients. There will be budget for hotel and food for max. 120-150 fusion doctoral students. When eligible, affiliates to FuseNet members have priority. First come first serve.
Soon, the registration will open. If you want to be notified when this happens and stay tuned, you can send an email to the team (please mention your name, study level or function and organisation) The organizing team