I would describe my summer school experience at the Culham Science Centre as enlightening - from an academic point of view - as well as pleasurable and memorable. First of all, via this wonderful experience I was able to build strong connections with experts in the field of fusion and plasma physics, those being my instructors and fellow students conducting independent research. The lectures were concise, managing to successfully capture the essence of each subject without getting tedious. Moreover, they were accompanied by problem solving sessions where theory was applied to more realistic scenarios.
Hence, I can confidently say the program has provided me with a unique opportunity to dive deeper into the world of plasma physics and explore areas that were completely new to me such as plasma kinetic theory and neoclassical transport. Perhaps the most informative and noteworthy activities were the tours of the MAST and JET tokamak facilities, where I became familiarized with the more practical aspects of fusion energy production.
During the tour I got to see the different components of a JET octant and learn how each one is used to confine the plasma fuel, heat it to the desirable collision conditions and manage the heat generated. I was also introduced to the concept of a spherical tokamak design through the upgraded version of MAST, which I was also able to see up close.
To be more specific, I observed how data is collected through various diagnostic techniques and then processed to provide meaningful information regarding plasma behavior and performance. Baring in mind that the joint research efforts of the fusion community are currently centered around these two facilities, getting a firsthand view of how these tokamaks were constructed and ultimately how they function was undoubtedly a one-of-a-kind experience.
All in all, I would say that the summer school has enriched my academic knowledge through engaging and compelling educational activities. In retrospect, the course has highlighted the skills necessary to pursue a career in plasma physics and fusion and it has helped many of us gain some experience in subjects we wouldn’t normally have access to.